Muddy Education
Connecting children with nature...


Nighttime activity at the Badger Sett
Look closely at this clip and you will see the badgers are collecting bedding material in the form of dry grass. They ball it up under them and walk backwards dragging it underneath them.
You might see evidence of this activity around the sett. Old, discarded bedding can often be seen outside the entrance holes. You might also see claw marks in the soil from where they have dragged the new bedding along.

In this short clip the badgers are playing and enjoying the freedom of emerging into the field under the cover of darkness.
Badgers live in family groups and, just like humans, the youngsters will play together to learn about the world around them.
Can you see these young badgers enjoying the freedom of being outside the sett?

Event Trail Map
Use the map and arrows to find your way around the trail.
Dont forget to search the woodlands too.
Things to spot on the way:
- Badger Sett - can you see where they have been?
- Pond - can you spot any animals around the pond?
- The church yard - are there any flowers? What about nuts and seeds?
- Is the church open? You are welcome to visit if it is - don't forget to sign the visitor's book
- Leaf changes the trees around the forest